SMOWL, simple and secure online exam proctoring

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on your exams

More than 200 institutions worldwide trust us


Users rate our support 8.8 out of 10
case studies

Our clients drive us to continue improving

"The SMOWL proctoring system has allowed us to launch online degrees. Some of those degrees were in very low demand, and today, thanks to their transition to a dual modality, both online and in-person, they are among the most popular degrees.”
Víctor Abella García
Director of the Virtual Learning Center at the University of Burgos
"There are numerous online proctoring tools, and SMOWL is, from my point of view, one of the best at managing the balance between the necessary level of control over the student's activity and respect for their privacy. As a teacher, I don't see or hear my students while they are taking the exam, only when the tool detects suspicious behavior."
Enrique Dans
Professor of Innovation and Technology, IE Business School
"While the student is taking the exam, they have the webcam active to see if they leave the desk, for example. The system also detects if they use other types of programs, if they have Skype open, if they open another tab in the browser..."
Ana Cristina García
Director of Educational Innovation at the University Isabel I

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Get skilled

Thanks to our follow-up and training.

Get 25 free licenses

SMOWL is customizable

Each institution or company is different. Therefore, we have different plans for each case.

360º control of the environment

The most popular

Identity verification

Classroom examinations

Why improve the quality of online exams with SMOWL?

Reduce internet consumption

Facial recognition with images instead of video.

Ensure security

Comply with privacy protocols and GDPR.

Save on costs

Avoid travel, infrastructure, and documentation.

Ease of use

SMOWL installs quickly and is used intuitively.

Expand your business

Distance learning increases demand.

Customize functions

To have proctoring tailored to you.

The advantages of SMOWL

Other proctoring software
Restrictive exam with device lockdown
Dual camera and human supervision
No need to install applications
Low internet consumption by capturing images instead of video
Fully integrated solution in your LMS educational platform
Customizable for any type of assessment: in-person and/or online
European company compliant with GDPR
Flexible licensing model (per exam/per user)

SMOWL is compatible with your platform or LMS

Try our proctoring software for free

Our team will explain in detail how SMOWL works and how to install it in your LMS. They will guide you on which plan is best for your needs..

Media appearances

Proctoring from the likes of SMOWL emerges as a beacon of integrity, offering a sophisticated solution to the challenges of virtual hiring.

When you have a trusted and reliable brand such as SMOWL working with you, for you, and with your priorities at the forefront, you can have peace of mind that your employees or students are in safe and capable hands.

We are recognized in business and technology environments

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