How do learning and education impact on society?

If you want to know how do learning and education impact on society, be aware of their transformative power. Learning...

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How do learning and education impact on society?

If you want to know how do learning and education impact on society, be aware of their transformative power.

Learning and education in society drive economic development and improve the quality of life through the knowledge and skills acquired by its members.  

They also promote social inclusion and equip citizens with strategic skills to manage change, such as critical thinking, resilience and empathy. 

Given its relevance for individuals, but also for the well-being of the community, we thought it appropriate to explore in this article the impact of learning and education on society. 

How do learning and education impact on society?

How does learning impact on society?

The fact that society has access to continuous learning throughout life makes it easier for people to adapt to change and overcome uncertainty, two dimensions present in the current socioeconomic context. 

Learning is not only based on the acquisition of knowledge and technical skills, but also on the assimilation of competences that are considered power skills in today’s market. 

Some examples are planning, agile conflict resolution, creativity and negotiation. 

These and many other skills learned and developed during the learning process improve people’s performance in their jobs, but also in their family and social roles, and have a positive impact on society as a whole.

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How does education impact on society?

Education, like learning, has a very positive impact on society in that it significantly increases employment opportunities and improves social and economic stability. 

Similarly, universal education proves to be an effective tool for reducing inequality gaps and improving people’s living conditions. 

On the other hand, education promotes the transmission of values and helps to build a culture of belonging to the community, similar to what happens in companies with corporate culture. 

Developing an understanding of the norms and culture of a society fosters respect among people and promotes social inclusion and tolerance.  

Another major contribution of education is to create prepared citizens who are able to make informed choices in all areas of life, including their political participation or social actions that consolidate democratic values. 

The education impact on society also fosters innovation. The ability to assimilate content quickly and to analyze problems in an agile way is a skill that is practically inherent to digital transformation. 

Thus, digitalised societies need to develop disruptive education techniques to respond to the new needs of the technological revolution.

Why is important the impact of learning and education on society?

Why is important the impact of learning and education on society?

At this point, now that you know some aspects of the impact of learning and education on society, we would like to emphasize the importance of the educational community to continue to promote the training of citizens, based on the list of its benefits. 

Creation of employment opportunities

In an increasingly competitive context, learning and education increase the chances of individuals to have access to a job that allows them to develop a career plan based on their expectations and access to higher pay.   

This improvement in people’s conditions in turn implies an improvement in the economy, while building a hopeful society that looks to the future.

Development of interpersonal skills

The development of interpersonal skills, which people gain access to through education, makes it easier for them to relate to their fellow human beings. 

Knowing how to communicate one’s wishes clearly, assertively and coherently, listening actively to others, or knowing how to tackle a problem at its source are some of these attitudes that improve social relations and thus society.  

Creation of a more inclusive society

Education and learning contribute to the creation of an inclusive society by promoting values such as respect for diversity and equal access to opportunities. 

Multiplier effect

The fact that people learn has a multiplier effect on their environment, which benefits from the knowledge acquired, much of which will be passed on to their family, friends, relatives, colleagues, and so on. 

This process is known as social learning and is key to shaping people’s behavior. 

Learning and education in society drive economic development and improve the quality of life.

Strengthen social cohesion

The acquisition of knowledge and technical skills is complemented by other very important skills for the common good in a society, such as the development of critical thinking, the ability to solve problems autonomously and in cooperation with others, or empathy and responsibility

Empower people

One of the great benefits of education is the way it turns a weakness into a strength. 

People who have the tools of communication, who can argue and refute a point, can defend their position and avoid being a victim of injustice. 

In short, the learning and education impact on society has the capacity to transform the lives of citizens in the same way that it strengthens social cohesion and stability.  

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