What is an e-learning platform? Concept and purpose

An e-learning platform is a virtual environment that allows for managing and accessing online educational resources such as courses, multimedia...
30 May 2023

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What is an e-learning platform? Concept and purpose

An e-learning platform is a virtual environment that allows for managing and accessing online educational resources such as courses, multimedia materials, communication tools, assessments, and student progress tracking.

Suppose you are looking for such a platform, and your company or institution is located in Central America. In that case, you should know that Corporate Learning -an entity specialized in e-learning– and Smowltech -the company behind SMOWL- are now collaborating as strategic partners in these geographic areas.

In any case, if you are still unsure whether your company or institution needs an e-learning platform, this post will define what they are and what they are used for.

Furthermore, we will tell you how this partnership can help you.

What is an e-learning platform? Concept and purpose

What is an e-learning platform?

An e-learning platform is a virtual learning environment using information and communication technologies to facilitate teaching and learning.

It consists of various tools that enable users to interact, communicate, and collaborate online. These tools can include discussion forums, live chat, video conferencing, online quizzes, interactive learning materials, and online assessments.

Moreover, an e-learning platform can be used to deliver online courses, training programs, virtual workshops, webinars, and many other forms of distance education. Through an e-learning platform, learners can access educational content from anywhere and anytime, allowing them to adapt their learning to their own pace and schedule.

E-learning platform development: what is their purpose?

An e-learning LMS platform serves to facilitate and improve the teaching and learning process through the use of information and communication technologies. Below are some of the main functions of an e-learning platform:

  • Deliver online courses: E-learning platforms are used to deliver online courses, allowing students to access content from anywhere and anytime.
  • Create and share instructional materials: They allow teachers to create and share instructional materials in different formats, such as videos, presentations, and texts.
  • Interact and collaborate online: They offer tools to interact and collaborate online, such as discussion forums, chats, and wikis, which fosters participation and knowledge exchange among students.
  • Evaluate and give feedback: E-learning platforms allow teachers to evaluate students and give feedback online, facilitating the process of monitoring and improving academic performance.
  • Personalized learning: They also allow for the customization of learning according to the needs and preferences of each student, which fosters motivation and commitment to the learning process.

Concept of e-learning

When we talk about e-learning, it is vital to consider the importance of information and communication technologies in its etymology.

The word “e-learning” comes from English and combines two terms, ‘e’ for ‘electronic’ and ‘learning’ for learning.

The term was first coined in the late 1990s, during a European Commission conference on online education.

Since then, it has been widely used to describe any type of learning that uses electronic technology to facilitate instruction and communication between students and teachers.

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E-learning for companies with Corporate Learning

Once you know what an e-learning platform is and its main uses, all you have to do is put it into action.

As previously mentioned, if you are in Guatemala or any other Central American country, the Corporate Learning + SMOWL tandem is the most comprehensive you will find.

Corporate Learning has over ten years of experience in e-learning projects for different business sectors (public entities, private companies, and NGOs).

Their main goal is to create learning experiences for their clients with a multidisciplinary team of e-learning experts.

Corporate Learning also specializes in developing online training solutions to help organizations throughout Central America improve their results and become more efficient and profitable.

Through e-learning, Corporate Learning provides solutions to educational institutions to optimize the learning process of their students.

In addition, they work under the belief that any successful implementation of corporate e-learning must be comprehensive, backed by extensive research and technology expertise.

An e-learning platform is a virtual learning environment using information and communication technologies to facilitate teaching.

How to use Moodle for e-learning?

Corporate Learning is Guatemala’s only certified partner of the Moodle e-learning platform.

As you may already know, Moodle is one of the best and most widely used e-learning platforms

Here’s why:

  1. Ease of use: Moodle is a user-friendly e-learning platform for teachers and students. The design is intuitive, and navigation is simple, making course creation and student participation easy.
  2. Variety of tools: Moodle offers various tools and resources to facilitate the teaching and learning, such as discussion forums, assignments, quizzes, wikis, chats, and more.
  3. Flexibility: Moodle is a highly flexible e-learning platform that adapts to the needs of each user. Teachers can customize courses and add different activities and resources, while students can access courses from any device anytime.
  4. Community: Moodle has a large and active community of users, developers, and e-learning experts who share their knowledge, experiences, and resources to improve the platform and support users.

E-learning platforms and proctoring

Thanks to the abovementioned collaboration, companies, and institutions that trust Corporate Learning’s services can use SMOWL proctoring products

This way, clients who want to digitize their educational processes will have all their needs covered, including the secure online exam taking, and receive continuous support and assistance.

Among other things, they will be able to enjoy the following services:

LMS integration

Corporate Learning is the only certified Moodle Services Provider in Guatemala. They are specialists in installing and configuring this LMS platform for all companies and institutions. 

Their services include installing and configuring Moodle on the organization’s server, customizing the platform’s design to fit corporate standards, and providing technical and functional support.

E-learning training

Corporate Learning also offers training for professionals (administrators, teachers, or HR professionals) who will manage Moodle. 

Thanks to this training, your team will learn to use the tool effectively and make the most of all the features offered by the platform.

Reports and insights within the e-learning platform

Thanks to Corporate Learning’s tools, you can customize the reporting in Moodle to make it easier for your team to access all the information they need in just a few clicks.

Companies and institutions that trust Corporate Learning's services can now use SMOWL proctoring products.

SMOWL proctoring for the best e-learning platforms

SMOWL is a proctoring tool that monitors a user’s activity during an exam or evaluation process, enabling effective online assessments.

It integrates easily into Moodle (although it is also compatible with the most used e-learning platforms) and allows evaluators to collect evidence and incidents related to the general behavior of the evaluated person throughout the test. 

In addition, users must register beforehand to confirm that they will be taking the test.

SMOWL adapts to the needs of each institution: you can have a simple supervision system without installations or a complete supervision system with the possibility of blocking the browser and many other features.

This will allow you to save costs on your supervision and qualify for high-quality accreditation programs as your digital training and certifications can be 100% reliable.

In short, the combination of services that Corporate Learning and Smowltech can offer to your company or institution will cover all your needs regarding e-learning, virtual training, and certification platforms.

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