Talent pool or candidate pool in Human Resources

A talent pool, also known as candidate pool in Human Resources, plays a crucial role in streamlining recruitment processes while...
31 October 2023

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Talent pool or candidate pool in Human Resources

A talent pool, also known as candidate pool in Human Resources, plays a crucial role in streamlining recruitment processes while conserving resources and increasing success rates.

Having a pool of pre-screened profiles with the necessary competencies, skills, knowledge, and experiences can enhance your employer brand and bolster your team’s commitment

In this article, we will explore what a talent pool is, the advantages it offers, and how to incorporate it into your organization.

What is a Talent Pool?

A talent pool (or a candidate pool) is a recruitment strategy that identifies candidates possessing the competencies, skills, and experiences required by a company, and who express interest in joining the organization. 

It is also referred to as a “applicant pool” and is a proactive initiative by the Human Resources department, creating a reservoir of talent that a company can turn to when filling job vacancies.

This approach simplifies the acquisition of new talent and optimizes resources dedicated to the hiring process.

Talent pool or candidate pool in Human Resources

Talent pools can be external, comprising candidates from outside the company, or internal, serving as a talent retention tool by enhancing the company’s human capital.

The applicant pool serves as the lifeblood of recruitment efforts for organizations of all sizes. It’s the starting point where employers begin their search for the best-suited candidates. 

A robust applicant pool provides a diverse range of talent and increases the likelihood of finding the perfect fit for a given position.

Composition of an Applicant Pool

Applicant pools consist of both active and passive candidates. Active candidates are actively seeking employment, while passive candidates may already be employed but open to new opportunities. Employers must cater to both segments to access a broader talent pool.

Applicant pools also vary in terms of skill sets and qualifications. They can include recent graduates looking for entry-level positions, experienced professionals seeking career advancement, and specialists with unique skills. Understanding this diversity is essential for effective recruitment.

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What benefits does creating a talent pool offer?

Having a segmented pre-selection that aligns with your current or future human capital needs provides several advantages, such as:

  • Streamlining the recruitment process by not starting from scratch, thus avoiding the need to persuade passive candidates.
  • Evaluating candidates before the recruitment process, reducing labor ghosting in selection processes and preventing certain candidates from disappearing before completion.
  • Maintaining contact with these candidates, strengthening communication bonds, and updating their interest in joining the company.
  • Increasing talent retention by employing individuals who have genuinely shown a desire to be part of the organization.
  • Enhancing the company’s culture with new members who assimilate well.
  • Reinforcing employee engagement through an internal talent pool, effectively managing generational turnover.
  • Reducing turnover rates, as profiles are better qualified for their assigned tasks. Moreover, employees see the company investing in their growth.
  • Keeping in touch with your talent pool enhances your employer branding, establishing a reputation capable of attracting top talent.

How to manage a Talent Pool in 6 steps

Now that you understand the significance of creating a talent pool for your company, let’s discuss how to integrate it into your HR strategy.

Analyze your project’s needs

Before seeking talent, you must thoroughly understand the competencies and skills you are looking for. This initial step helps define the subsequent ones. 

To accomplish this, conduct a detailed analysis of the operations, objectives, weaknesses, etc., of each department or division within your company.

What benefits does creating a talent pool offer?

Define the ideal candidate

Once you’ve established your company’s needs, create a profile for the ideal candidate for each position or ideal profiles with adaptable skills.

Create descriptive job profiles

Having descriptive documents facilitates communicating the company’s objectives and expectations to candidates. 

The more detailed and realistic these documents are, the more satisfied candidates will be when their expectations align with the selection process. 

This information is also valuable for creating specific landing pages for each candidate type, improving your talent pool’s quality.

Select acquisition channels

Knowing the type of candidate you need makes determining the most appropriate talent acquisition channels easier.

Build your potential candidate database

Create a talent database by organizing profiles based on your business strategies

Segmentation involves grouping profiles based on predefined criteria like skills, experience, knowledge, etc.

Stay in touch with your talent

Maintain contact with your group of potential candidates to keep it up-to-date. 

Don’t disregard the most qualified profiles that were not selected for a vacancy but possess the necessary characteristics for future roles.

A talent pool (or a candidate pool) is a recruitment strategy

Constant Innovation

In the technological revolution driven by Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), innovation should be a constant in all aspects of your project.

Technological advancements continuously reshape the applicant pool landscape. Employers must adapt to new platforms and tools for posting jobs, screening applicants, and conducting interviews.

Talent seeks updated companies, so you must find new talent sourcing methods to retain it.

One disadvantage of creating a potential candidate pool is the required extensive data analysis and updates. 

To overcome this obstacle, you can use HR-specific software to automate many processes. Combine this with a proctoring system to create secure and professional exchange spaces during evaluation processes.

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